Harvest moon festival, earthquake and new records

It’s been a tough week in Melbourne; following an ~6.0 earthquake at 9:15 am yesterday, we have reported a new high in COVI-19 cases …

(766) – the highest since the start of the pandemic (the previous time we reached 700 new cases in a day was 4 August 2020 ).  In a similar fashion, in the US it is reported that now 1:500 people have died of COVID-19 (currently ~680,000 deaths), and this pandemic has surpassed (the Spanish flu in terms of fatalities (1918 flu ~675,000 deaths in the US). Very bad!

Regarding our lifestyle and festivites, for another year, the Mid-Autumn moon festival which is highly anticipated event was unfortunately spent in lockdown.  Typically, our large Chinese community organises many special events on this day – Chinatown, Crown Casino, and many other venues are buzzing!  This year, like last, it was more about quiet family dinner wither homemade or store-bought mooncake. I’m anticipating that next year – it will be big again!

In good news vaccination rates are soaring with ~75% of people in Victoria having received a first dose (~45% fully vaccinated). It is looking that vaccination targets of 70% and 80% fully vaccinated will be achieved by early November and by the end of the year, respectively.  This will be great but a couple of things to consider: 1) simple sums indicate with the revised R0 for the delta variant ~85% fully vaccinated population will be required for full immunity, 2) by the time we reach “heard immunity” people that were vaccinated early in the year would have diminished immunity already (we’ll have to start thinking about booster shots, and 3) over 60s are still forced to take a “lesser” vaccine due to availability (hopefully, they’ll be eligible for a booster shot with a “better” one later.  IGAS what anyone says, there are qualities of vaccines in terms of side effects and effectiveness.

As we reach herd immunity, vaccine mandates will be the next big thing!  Already this has caused some chaotic scenes around the world.  We have witnessed construction workers demonstrating in our city this week.  What a complicated situation!  Again there are a couple of points – 1) serology (antibody) tests would be a better measure of potential immunity – why would we want to give a vaccine passport to people with poor antibody responses, or waning immunity even if they’ve been vaccinated? 2) people that have been exposed to COVID-19 have natural immunity and probably don’t need (or want – they’ve probably been through enough already), vaccination, 3) mandating health interventions is not right IMO!  Of course, I encourage everyone to get vaccinated asap – try to go for an mRNA-based vaccine if eligible and available – we need to reach a point where we can operate as “normal” as possible and as soon as possible.  However, we need to respect people’s ability to make their own choice and we should be encouraging rather than mandating!

Plus, it’s probably greedy for “rich” countries to be mandating when there is clear global vaccine inequality; we’re saying – look at us – where at the point where we’ve reached herd immunity and we’re even mandating, so FU.   The data shows: High-income countries – ~55% vaccinated; Upper-middle-income countries – ~50% vaccinated; Lower-middle-income countries ~10% vaccinated; low income countries <1% vaccinated. Let’s fix this while we also rush to meet our vaccine milestones and start to talk about boosters and mandates.

In the meantime, hints of normality are appearing around the world.  SpaceXs (Uncle Elon’s) inspiration 4 took four private citizens into orbit (the first all civilian flight to orbit); this follows, Virgin Galactic (Uncle Rich), and Blue Origins (Uncle Bezos), in the past couple of months.  Along with MET Gala and MTV VAMs last week, the 2021 Emmys just went by as well; circuses (should be “circi” but anyway.  No major dramas at the Emmys apart from Gillian Anderson apparently not consulting with the “Iron Lady” regarding her portrayal in ”The Crown”; of course Margaret Thatcher passed away in 2013… And lastly, a certain famous MMA fighter had a great week this week – 1) hullabaloo at the VMAs and 2) a perfect pitch – opening pitch at Chicago Cubs vs Minnesota Twins game; LOL.

Overtaking 1918 influenza pandemic as deadliest event – Spanish flu ~675,000 people

Until next time …