Indoor Nature’s Crucial Role During COVID-19 Pandemic

for several reasons:

  1. Mental Health Benefits: Being surrounded by indoor plants or having access to natural light indoors can significantly improve mental health. Studies have shown that exposure to nature, even indoors, can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.
  2. Physical Well-being: Indoor plants can improve air quality by reducing pollutants and increasing oxygen levels. Good air quality is crucial for respiratory health, especially during a respiratory virus pandemic like COVID-19.
  3. Connection to Nature: With restrictions on outdoor activities and social distancing measures in place, having indoor nature elements, such as houseplants or indoor gardens, helps people maintain a connection to the natural world, reducing feelings of isolation and confinement.
  4. Productivity and Creativity: Natural elements indoors have been linked to increased creativity and productivity. People working from home during the pandemic found that having plants or natural light in their workspace helped them stay focused and motivated.
  5. Therapeutic Benefits: Taking care of indoor plants or engaging in activities like gardening indoors can serve as a therapeutic outlet, providing a sense of purpose and accomplishment, which is especially important during times of uncertainty and stress.

In essence, indoor nature has played a vital role in supporting mental and physical well-being, providing a sense of calm and connection during a time when people have had limited access to the outdoors and faced increased stress.