Vaccine passports and mandates – good or big mess?

Approximately 40% of the world population is currently “fully” vaccinated against COVID-19;…

“fully” will need to be clarified as it is becoming clear that immunity rapidly – within months – wanes following immunisation.  So, the question is who do we classify as “fully” immunised; we know some people mount appropriate immune responses, we know some people need booster shots, we know some people were vaccinated months ago? The question who do we give a vaccination passport to? It’s complicated; in terms of immunity – serology passports would be more relevant.

In the US – there was a big push for big companies (>100 people) to mandate vaccinations – the deadline was set at January 4th 2022; the alternative is to be subjected to weekly testing.  However, this in now being called into question; United State has “frozen” the mandate following lawsuits.  In New York City, police officer shortages are anticipated and the union is putting up a fight. Already the mandates have caused some grief with many people being “dismissed” as a result of not complying;  >100 Washington state police officers have lost their jobs.  In the UK, there is resistance towards vaccine mandates and passports with the Government being tentative. As expected in France and Greece, strong activist groups are fighting hard against mandates (OXI-mode!).

Many countries, affluent and not, are imposing vaccine mandates. In our part of the World, Melbourne, Victoria – vaccine mandates are a thing; our Uni is offering small incetives in the form of money and gift cards for proving vaccination statues; it’s better than a kick in the pants – which will come to those that don’t prove vaccination status in timely manner.

Timing is critical and confusing, it was supposed to be end of November, then it was pushed forward by a few weeks – really they are just going by vaccine availability; when they were slow in acquiring adequate supplies, they kept quiet and as soon as vaccine “finally” starting becoming available – they became louder and louder on the importance of vaccination and mandates etc… If they had their act together we would’ve the third and most harsh COVID-19 wave; the signs were there with the delta variant in India which caused havoc in that country in May 2021; we slow played an payed a price.

Now, that vaccine is available and rates have surpassed 80% – mandates have kicked in.  The confusing with the dates and expedited “mandation”, has left many small businesses stranded for double-vaxxed staff; despite being “allowed” to operate some don’t have the ability just as they hustle to get staff fully vaccinated.  Apparently, our big opening day will be on November 26th, 2021 – we’ll see that actually means. 

“Big” powerful companies, like Universities will have the capability and resources to police vaccination status.  However, in daily hospitality venues it will be almost impossible – already underpaid and overworked staff – without any training or skills – have been asked to undertake the task; many have already failed and / or given up; last thing they need is extra abuse!

People are still fighting with massive protests over the past weekend; health nurses took their case to court and lost – they have to get vaccinate or “get the boot”. It’s a weird time – I am very pro-vaccination but against mandates especially, given that “fully” vaccinated people are still getting infected and sick – although definitely, in the vast majority of cases are much better off for being vaccinated.  For me it’s an ethical issue – people should be able to do what they feel like when it comes to their health.  Even without mandates 80% were going to get vaccinated and with some encouragement could of got to 95-90%; there are small fraction that don’t want to get vaccinated for some reason – we should leave them alone, I think.

Anyway, vaccines are the greatest thing that happened and in relatively quick time.  Companies are working on vaccines against variants, and hopefully, on effective inhaled or oral versions.  In terms of vaccine inequity in some proud news over the weekend, Greece authorised the delivery of 330, 000 doses to Rwanda – great to see a very not rich country helping a not rich country! We need more of that.

In some crappy news, apparently the pandemic has been good for NYC rats; I am assuming the animal rats and not the people rats; maybe both.  In the worst news – people (8) lost their lives at a Travis Scott concert; sad note to finish on but it happened – tragedy as we return to “normality”.  Worst.

Until next time …