FU: Anniversary of the “OXI” day (No a*#h*%$!)

The development of safe and “relatively” effective vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 in record time is like…

a Scientific miracle.  Close to 4 billion doses of vaccine have been administered globally and almost 40% of the World’s population is fully vaccinated.  In the US, ~70% of the population has received a first dose and ~60 is fully vaccinated; these numbers are analogous to those in most “affluent” countries – e.g. Australia (~62% fully vaccinated); Japan (~70% fully vaccinated); Israel (~60%), etc…  Some countries like the UAE and Portugal, are close to having populations that are almost 90% fully vaccinated (over the threshold for “herd” immunity assuming an RO~6 for the delta SARS-CoV-2 variant).  Of course, there is a global disparity with many of the least affluent countries missing out; some countries still well below population vaccination rates below 10% – needs to be fixed.

In the meantime, “vaccine boosters” is the big thing now in many countries. It is evident that immunity following vaccination wanes within a few months; it clear now that vaccinated people are getting infected with the delta variant; however, protection from serious COVID-19 and hospitalization is still significantly reduced in vaccinated people. 

The fact that immunity wanes, calls into question “vaccine mandates” and especially “vaccine passports”; apart from the obvious ethical considerations, who are we actually giving a vaccine passport to?  Does that person even have immunity? Do we want people that were vaccinated a few months ago getting a pass, even though, there immunity may be crappy?

I’m very pro-vaccine, it is critical for us to reach some level of population immunity, and to return to “normal” life ASAP.  Vaccines, especially these new versions, are quick to produce at scale, cheap and provide a shortcut to immunising the population.  Regarding side effects, they are extremely safe – the majority of people (that I know) have had absolutely no side effects (from either the mRNA and DNA-based vaccines), some people have had sore (in some cases bruised or as I’ve heard – “dead” arms), and a few have be knocked out for a couple of days; in our circle, we have had one serious event in close proximity to vaccination (but there are underlying health issues). 

In concluding, vaccines are the “best” thing that have happened – they are the quickest and most efficient way reaching “herd immunity”, and returning to normality …. but when it comes to “vaccine mandates” and “vaccine passports” … as the Great Metaxas said – FU (OXI! [No!]).  Unethical, unnecessary, un-everything.

And in the meantime — our local Government here in Melbourne (Vic, AUS), want extra pandemic-powers to implement severe punishments to people that break their “public health rules”…. GTFOH looters J!!!.

Until next time …