COVID-19 vaccination passports

Thankfully, in record time we have access to safe and effective vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.  Globally, ~30% of the population …

is fully vaccinated (5.76 billion doses administered), and some places the magic number of ~70% assumed to be required for herd immunity has been achieved (given the transmissibility of the delta variant the number is more like ~85%). In this context Canada is aiming for 90% vaccination – good-good!

To “encourage” vaccination, vaccine passports have been suggested in a number of countries.  A couple of days ago the US President mandated vaccinations for federal employees and businesses employing 100 people or more.  Canada and Japan are planning a digital COVID passport system, and many European countries are planning vaccine passports.  There is much talk about vaccine passports and mandates – interestingly, yesterday the UK scrapped their plans for vaccine passports.

Of course, these vaccination mandates have not been met enthusiastically by all – there have been many demonstrations around the world, some of the best coming from parts of the Greek and French communities.  Being of Greek heritage myself, I understand the power of “OXI”! Having said that I am definitely a pro-vaxxer and encourage everyone to get vaccinated as soon as they possibly can; it is critical for use to get back to some sort of “normality”.  Most the polls I have across indicate the ~80% of people are in favour of vaccine mandates. 

However, IMO, that apart from privacy issues, there could be some legitimate reasons for avoiding vaccine passports and mandates.  The currently available vaccines are different to say the polio or small pox vaccines. They do offer good protection especially from severe disease and they are safe but there are holes.  Breakthrough infections, some leading to severe COVID disease and even death, are increasingly  being reported.  There are questions about the effectiveness of the vaccines against the delta variant, and it appears that new variants that may by-pass the vaccines are likely to emerge (the “mu’ variant is already of concern).   Some people have real medical reasons, to avoid vaccination – for example, I have a colleague who carries two EpiPens at all times and allergic to many “stuffs”, it’be a huge risk to demand this person be vaccinated. 

Also, there is the question of immunity for those that have already had COVID-19; the data suggests that they have long-term immunity better than what the current vaccines can offer; there is probably no good reason to mandate vaccination for people that have had COVID-19.  Probably, the best argument against vaccination is that “immunity” rapidly declines with time – hence, the suggestion that “booster” shots are necessary; so we may be giving out invalid passports to people who have lost immunity.  Antibody (serology) tests would be a better option for handing out “passports”.

Despite these potential arguments, “normality” would be a good thing.  This week we have had a glimpse of what it might look like.  Crisitiano Ronaldo scoring two goals for Manchester United’s in the thrashing of Newcastle at a packed Old Trafford!     Union rejecting mandatory jabs for construction workers. Incidentally, some mathematics professor worked out mathematically that Cristiano is the best player of all time; he’s definitely a great player but Messi? Messi has the God-given talent which is hard to beat. Here was the return of the MTV VMAs and our Conor McGregor put on a side show for us; nearly beating up Machine Gun Kelly.  A couple of things 1) this is part of the McGregor brand, 2) he got the attention he was looking for, and 3) ordinary people like Machine Gun Kelly, even if they look scary or have dabbled in some type of “self defence”, should not mix it up with professional fighters who dish out beatings for a living – just look at your feet and go quietly, Also, the return of the Met Gala – what a freak show!  The highlight was that the great Nicki Minaj wasn’t allowed to attend because of the vaccination mandate rule; apparently she has tested positive for COVID-19 so she would have natural immunity.  Anyway, she was a casualty of the vaccination mandate rule.

In the US, we have a very mixed response to vaccine mandates highlighted by two very different approaches– NY is welcoming and embracing the rules and in Florida there is talk of fining those that demand evidence of vaccination.

It’s always good to have differing opinions on important issues; in this case it is pretty obvious what needs to be done – strongly encourage vaccination, get as many people as possible vaccinated to reach as close as possible to herd immunity … and ditch the passports and mandates; don’t force people because 1) it’s not right, and 2) it could set a precedent that could later potentially be applied to other health issues, and many other reasons .

Until next time …