Lockdown 6.1 – Another seven-day extension!

In Australia, we are currently experiencing our third significant wave of COVID-19.  Although in Victoria, we are reporting around 20 cases per day for the past few days, we are not taking any chances.  After a week of lockdown, a seven extension was prescribed…

 Of course, there are critical socio-economic impacts, but the is decision is correct given the transmissibility of the delta variant. We’ve seen the variant overwhelm countries in rapid fashion and we don’t want be taking risks at a time where only ~20% of our population is fully vaccinated.  Even within our own country, Sydney has been in lockdown for almost two months, and is finding it difficult to contain the virus, consistently reporting over 300 new cases per day. Rapid and harsh lockdown is painful but probably the only good option right now.

The relatively low vaccination rate in our country is due to a mixture of factors; there are the anti-vaxxers which probably represent a small minority; in my observations, vaccine hesitancy is a bigger issue given that the main vaccine available in our country is the adenovirus-based AZ.  The reports of extremely rare blood clotting events and deaths following vaccination has many people concerned. In particularly, people with previous blood clotting issues other health concerns are worried. 

Thankfully, we are due to start receiving the mRNA-based Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in the coming weeks and hopefully, that will really accelerate our vaccination rates.  Hopefully, we get to at least 50% and even better 70-80% of the population vaccinated as soon possible to get some rhythm going again!

For now, lockdown 6.1! Online teaching, extra eating and trying to make the best of the situation.

Until next time …