Vaccination update: The road to herd immunity

Some latest headlines are indicating that there is a direct relationship between vaccination rates and decreased rates of SARS-Cov-2 infections; not that surprising! Latest data shows that 2.75 billion doses have been administered to date…

(791 million fully vaccinated); in the 319 million doses have been administered (150 or 45.8% of the population fully vaccinated).  This is great news and reflects the road to fully re-opening (“back to normality”) for many states in the US.

The data is equally as impressive in places like Israel (10.7 million doses, 5.15 million or 56.9% fully vaccinated), Malta (58% fully vaccinated), Bahrain (56%); there are currently 12 countries ahead of the US and with Hungary at 47% of the population fully vaccinated, that makes 13 countries are around the 50% mark.  That leaves many countries lagging behind including “danger countries” such as Brazil (12%), and India (3.8%) with the nasty gamma and delta variants, respectively, in circulation. In Australia and New Zealand where the effects of COVID-19 have largely mitigated by rapid and efficient lockdowns, the vaccination rates are significantly lagging at 4.3% and 7.8%, respectively).

When looking at the reasons for the slow vaccination in parts of the world distribution is the factor – some places do not have enough.  Another factor, particularly relevant in Australia, is vaccine hesitancy; we banked on what appears to be (on most objective measures), an inferior vaccine.  Reports of severe effects have prompted a phase-out (first for under 50s, then for under 60s and now pretty much everyone), and enough doses of the “better” mRNA vaccines are on their way (anticipated around August). 

When thinking about side effects of the vaccines – the consensus is that they are very rare and most typically mild.  However, the US CDC does state on their website (today) that: of more that “318 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines” … “received 5,479 reports of death (0.0017%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine”; however, “A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records, has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines”.  Thankfully for that, because simple arithmetic would suggest that if 70% of the World’s ~7 billion population were to be vaccinated a ridiculous number of people would die from a COVID-19 vaccine!!!  The fact is that people have died from vaccination but deciphering precise numbers is too difficult at the moment – it is definitely rare but not impossible, and all available data indicates that benefits from the vaccination far outweigh the risks. 

Apparently, none of the numbers and stats would matter according to fake posts widely circulating claiming that some “a-hole” nobel laureate allegedly “said” that all people vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 will die within two years.  Although almost everyone knows this is total BS, stuff like that is not helpful.  So, for now best to get vaccinated if possible and eligible so we can all progress towards “normality”’ we are, slowly, on the road …. unless the delta, delta plus or some other emerging variant has other ideas. 

Until next time …