The Australian Open, Sports, and Melbourne’s Lockdown 3.0

Following many weeks of “freedom” including zero COVID-19 cases, we (Melbourne, Australia), have entered a five-day circuit-breaker snap lockdown stating at 11:59 pm Friday February 12th 2021.   The stage 4 lockdown [essentially Lockdown 3.0], includes a 5 km travel…

restriction to circumvent spreading of the highly transmissible UK variant throughout the community.  Similarly, our neighbours in New Zealand (Auckland), have entered a three-day lockdown, after a prolonged period of having the virus under control; our travel bubble between countries has also been suspended.

As usual, the Melbourne “outbreak” initiated from a hotel quarantine site; not that surprising! The cluster is around 20 cases at the moment and the surprising thing how well it has been contained.  We have to remember, this is a highly transmissible virus and even very stringent COVID-19 safe approaches are hard to contain the ~100nm virions.  While it is easy to comment and criticise, the lockdowns are smart move at this point in time; we have endured many months of harsh lockdowns, and it would be bad and ugly if we were to get massive community spread, when we are on the verge of starting our vaccination program. 

Thankfully, emerging data highlights that the major Moderna and Pfizer BionNTech vaccines are effective against the UK variant.  Impressively, findings are indicated that apart from being ~95% effective against COVID-19, the mRNA-based vaccines are 100% effective against preventing severe COVID-19 disease six (Moderna) and seven (Pfizer/BioTech) weeks following vaccination; in a particular study, findings indicate that zero people that have been fully vaccinated for the appropriate length of time have been hospitalized with severe COVID-19 pathologies. Similarly, the single-dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine (although less effective at preventing from COVID-19 infection, ~66%), is very effective at preventing from severe COVID-19 disease after the vaccine has taken full effect.

Although less popular, “antiviral” research is still going strong and numerous clinical trials are currently underway. However, mitigation of COVID-19 disease severity with supplementation took a bit of hit with results from a well-structured clinical trial, highlighting that high doses of vitamin C and zinc were ineffective in people with COVID-19; the results were “unimpressive” to the point where the study was halted early.  Vitamin D appears to be more promising and studies are ongoing.  Further research is extremely in this area, to ensure we have a back-up in case where end with SARS-CoV-2 variant that can’t be beaten with the current vaccinations.

The Melbourne Lockdown 3.0 has coincided with one interesting but unrelated (former US President acquittal in second impeachment trial), and three important global events: 1) Chinese (Lunar) New Year (celebrations were very subdued compared to “normal” years; 2) Valentine’s Day (bad, particularly for flower shops, restaurants, and cinemas [and me… still waiting for the release of Black Widow!]); and 3) The Australian Open Tennis tournament.

The Australian Open has been allowed to continue as scheduled, however, in the absence of fans in the stands – I suppose tennis players have been “re”-classified as essential workers.  I enjoy all sports, particularly combat arts (especially modern Pankration [MMA]), and real football (soccer), all other codes of football, and all other sports, and I will watch golf, darts, and curling if need be! Starting with the UFC (which created a “Fight Island” [Yas Island, Abu Dhabi], and began live international sporting events, and then the NBA (with a dedicated “bubble”), and slowly many other organizations, sporting events are ongoing.  However, without fans, sporting events are kind-of weird; especially with the ones with cut out cardboard fans!  We all know that major sports is more interested in TV deals, corporate sponsorship and to some extent merchandise, and the pandemic has punctuated that fact.  The good part is that athletes, coaching and accessory staff can draw a salary.

One thing that has remained normal about sport events during this pandemic is Tom Brady winning another Super Bowl and MVP!  As a 49ers fan, I’m starting to consider “Tommy” to be almost as good as Joe Montana!

Until next time … Tranquilo Polymaths.