A pandemic of epicentres, zeroes, and endgames

In the previous issue the “Unprecedented” use of keywords during this COVID-19 pandemic, such as the word “Unprecedented”, was mentioned.  Here, more keywords are explored and discussed; they are depicted in parentheses for easy identification.

Firstly, the term “Epicentre” has beenused loosely to describe infection “Hotspots”.  The original “Epicentre” is Wuhan (Hubei Province) in China where atypical pneumonia associated with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was first reported.  Thanks to excellent public health measures and a lockdown, the city was effective at “Flattening the Curve”.

Early in the pandemic it was deemed important to decipher the origins of the coronavirus and to identify “Patient Zero”.  These are now more academic issues that will be resolved with time; this is the seventh coronavirus to jump to humans and most likely will not be the last given the zoonotic nature of the virus and large animal reservoirs harbouring coronaviruses.  Similarly, identification of patient zero is not a critical matter right now; the virus is spreading “Exponentially” around the world and origin theories will not change the course of disease.  

As reported coronavirus cases in Wuhan subsided, various “Epicentres” in Europe began to emerge first in Italy, and then Spain.  It is widely held that a football (soccer) match in Milan on February 19 2020, part of the Champions League, between Atlanta (Italy) and Valencia (Spain), was largely responsible for the coronavirus epicentres in those countries.  The match was dubbed “Game Zero” and represents one of the early “Superspreader” events. 

A more recent “Superspreader” event is thought to be the Rose Garden party and indoor reception for the unveiling of Judge Amy Coney Barrett as the Supreme Court nominee; the event was held at the White House on September 26, 2020, and is sometimes referred to as “Ground Zero”, with over 30 coronavirus cases linked to the party to-date. As we know from a personal communication a few days later, the White House coronavirus cluster includes the POTUS (who has now recovered from COVID-19), and FLOTUS… we’ll analyse the timeline and therapeutics used to treat the POTUS in upcoming issues.

The lungs have also been referred to as “Ground Zero” for COVID-19, and of course, viral pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome are major pathological complications of infection with SARS-CoV-2.  The are the major causes of shortness of breath associated with COVID-19, and in some severe cases, supplemental oxygen and “Mechanical Ventilation” are required.

Finally, COVID-19 is currently spreading at an exponential rate around the world, and with winter approaching in the Northern hemisphere, the outlook is not the best.  If it comes, the “Endgame” for COVID-19 will come from two likely scenarios; 1) natural “Herd Immunity”, which is not a particularly attractive option, or 2) the development of a “Safe and Effective Vaccine”, that can be easily produced and distributed widely.  Until then, “Isolation”, “Quarantine”, “Social Distancing”, “Hand Hygiene”, and facial masks remain our best option for preventing the spread of SARS-CoV-2!

Until next time … Tranquilo Polymaths.